We Are Medical Students Just Like You

We are current MS3 students in South Carolina with a passion for medical education and providing a better experience for those that come after us. Read more below to hear each of our reasons for creating the course.

Jake Sossamon, Founder & CEO

The motivation to create PDSP came from my experience prepping for Step 1. I was frustrated by the lack of information for how to prepare for a Pass/Fail exam. I recognized that there are a lot of great resources out there but no guidance for how to use them in an organized study plan in the months leading up to the dedicated study period. After analyzing my own success and discussing the concept with 50+ students that took the exam, we took the information and created PDSP with the goal of setting students up for success while not sacrificing preclinical performance. Please contact me with your questions. I'm always ready to help!

Andrew Brown, Content Creator

With Step 1 becoming pass/fail, I went through my preclinical years without spending much time on preparing for Step 1 prior to our dedicated study period. Once dedicated began, I felt extremely behind and went through the entirety of my study period stressed about if I would be prepared to take Step 1 come test day. It would have been very useful to have a planned out pre-dedicated study schedule to better prepare me for my dedicated study period while also not interfering with the current system we were studying in preclinical. That is exactly our goal here with PD Step Prep, and I am excited to answer any questions you may have and do what I can to ensure your success!

Alex Galan, Content Creator

When I was reaching the end of my preclinical curriculum and starting to transition to studying for Step 1, I felt fairly confident about the exam. After taking my first practice exam, I was quick to realize that this period was going to be much more challenging than originally expected. I had not realized how much I had forgotten and had no idea where to begin. After a lot of effort and planning, I was able to develop a strategy that worked well for me. After talking with some of my other classmates, I learned that I was not alone with my frustration. I was very excited to join the PDSP team and help develop the program so that we could help future students be successful for this important exam. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!